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Sweating with Body By Mags

I've had the personal pleasure of knowing Magdelena for many years now.  She is insightful, graceful, funny and practices gratitude and mindfulness daily.  It was really great to interview her for our Aurenda Life community and introduce you to another amazing tool that can help you to heal your way to health and manifestation in your own lives! ...Thank you so much for doing this with us! Our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share with us the story about how you first got involved in fitness and wellness? Twenty years ago, I was a young professional in Washington DC, working my first corporate job. I though that I “made” it, if you know what...

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What is an Aura?

What is an aura For thousands of years, through drawings and written language, people have reported seeing auras, white lights and colors around human and non human objects. Every substance on the planet has a certain field of energy around it.  What you see as substance on the planet is actually energy.  That is a scientific fact.  All of existence is actually energy.  Part of the energy has manifested itself into a certain level of reverberation which makes it a physical form.  Another part of the energy has not manifested itself into a physical form, but it still has a form.  That form which is not yet physical or refuses to be physical is being called an aura.   Every living...

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How to work with aura colors to live your best life!

Light works as a catalyst for change.  Auras surround us at all times and the colors vary.  The brighter the colors the higher the vibration, the greater the positive outcomes in a persons life.  We have the innate power to transform our aura and live our best lives. We can work with the light that surrounds us, but it is a process.  Whatever color we choose to bring more of into our auras, we must not only use the color and intention during meditation, but practice the intention.  The areas in your life where you are met with negative patterns or circumstances; call in the auric light.  Imagine it manifesting in your aura every time you encounter those negative experiences....

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What makes sweating spiritual?

What makes sweating spiritual?  When we choose to exercise, whether it be taking a cycling, yoga or cardio class or hiking, swimming or surfing; those are the times we commit to ourselves.  We work hard, we push ourselves sometimes further than we thought we could go. We get to focus on working on our bodies and our minds simultaneously benefit.  ...And scientifically, these endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain. Endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body.  It is a mind, body release and a time to clear the clutter.  Sweating in a sense helps the mind to organize thought. It is the perfect time to choose a mantra that is meaningful and...

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A personal story from Aurenda's owner

When I sit down to think about how I came up with Aurenda three things come to mind struggle, love and Exercise.  Each one of us has our own struggles. My struggles were a mix of parenting that I had had, the traumas I had in endured, the traits I took on and the daughter that was born to show me everything.  There are so many joys in raising children, but it is also filled with a lot of difficult moments. My daughter was a sensory kid. She felt and heard things on such a higher vibrational level than many of us do. Most of the time she was overwhelmed, hurting, and angry. She pushed my buttons. And she showed...

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